Abstract: The solid waste composite was successfully made. Preliminary, the composite was synthesized using polyurethane as binder mixed with the solid waste using simple mixing method and then hot-pressed at at pressure of 4 metric-tons and temperature of 100°C for 20 minutes. To enhance its strength, silica nanoparticles with varied content then were added in the polyurethane-solid waste mixture. From the compressive strength test, it was obtained that polyurethane-solid waste composite with solid waste volume fraction of 87.15% had optimum compressive strength of 160 MPa. Meanwhile, for silica addition with the fraction of 0.4975%, the compressive strength became 200 MPa, or increased 23% of that without nanosilica. The enhancement was also briefly confirmed from FTIR Spectroscopy where some polyurethane spectra shifted small due to silica addition, especially in amine and carbonyl groups as its active groups. The strength is better than of brick (80 MPa), shalestone (73 MPa), silstone (92 MPa) and other stones. From density measurement, the composite-produced has density about 0.7 g/cm3 that comparable to Jati (Tectona grandis) and Mahoni (Swietenia macrophylla) having densities about 0.8 g/cm3 and 0.7 g/cm3 respectively. Therefore, this composite is very adequate for building material application to compete the woods. 
Keywords: nanocomposite, silica, polyurethane, solid waste, compressive strength
Author: M. Masturi, S. Rustad, S. Sunarno, N. Hindarto
Journal Code: jpfisikagg160003

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Jp Fisika gg 2016