The Increase of Early Childhod’s Motoric Development with Thematic Approach
Abstract: The objective of
this research is to increaseearly childhood’s development by using of thematic
approach. This action research conducted at Nakkia Kindergarten Group B
Jatiwaringin Pondok Gede. This research usedin which 15 childhood of six years
old were participated. The development by Kemmis and Tegart which twocycles and
each cycle has four steps. They are as follow:(1) plan, (2) action, (3)
observe, and (4) reflect. The action research applied to research methods they
where qualitative and quantitative research, data analized by using Spradley
data analysis model. The research result shows the applying thematic approach
wich involved various methods, media and activities increase the development of
the children of six years old especialy in motoric development: gross motor and
fine motor. Futhermore, the research result can be applied to increase early
childhoods development with thematic approach, mainly for learning planning,
learning development for teachers, and curricullum in higher education
Author: Hendra Sofyan
Journal Code: jppaudsdgg160001

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