Analisis Kekuatan dan Ekspansi Volume Tangki Toroidal Penampang Eliptik dengan Beban Internal Pressure
Abstract: In under to reduce
the Public Service Obligation (PSO) on oil fuel, the goverment of Indonesia
initianted a program of conversion of oil fuel into gas fuel (BBG) for
passenger cars. In supporting this program, it is required to develop the
component of combustion system. One of the components is strorage tank for BBG that
must be carefully designed to avoid burst type failure. Based on previous
research, a toroidal tank can withstand higher limit pressure than the
PERTAMINA LPG 3kg storage tank used nowadays in Indonesia household. The
present study was exstended to toroidal tank of elliptic cross-section. The
strength in term of limit pressure was evaluated numerically using the ANSYS 13
finite element software. The ANSYS SHELL 181 element type was used. Limit
pressure were obtained via nonlinier analysis using the well-known
Newton-Raphson algorithm, and corresponding stress and strain were evaluated.
The results show that toroidal tank having elliptic ratio (a/b) of 1.0
(circular) can withstand highest limit pressure, both for in-plane and
out-of-plane elliptic, i.e.,1.16 times the pressure to yield (py). Attachment
of a nozzle on intrados position results in reducing the limit pressure by
5.21%, becomes 1.1 py. The result of corresponding volume expansion when the
limit pressure was reached is 0.337 % of the initial volume. It is interesting
to note that limit pressure become lower than the pressure to yield when the
ratio of major to minor axis of the ellip higher than 1.4. In conclusion. the
value of ellipticity a/b must not be higher than 1.4 for further development of
a toroidal tank.
Penulis: Asnawi Lubis
Kode Jurnal: jptmesindd140491