Characteristics of Motorcycle Ownership and Use of University Students in Malaysian and Indonesian Cities
Abstract: Motorcycle ownership
and use increased rapidly in Indonesian cities in recent years. People could
not cope with severe congestion due to unsatisfactory public transport and
uncontrolled land use delopment. This led to motorcycle use for almost any
trip. However, in Malaysia motorcycles were mainly used for local short
distance travel. In this paper the characteristics of motorcycle ownership and
use of university students in Malaysian and Indonesian cities were discussed. A
total of 398 university students in eight cities were asked to fill the
questionnaires. They consist of general questions regarding their
socio-economic back-ground and travel habit along with 25 perceptional
questions regarding affordability/ attractiveness of owning motorcycle and
practicability/safety of motorcycle use. A variance based structural equation
modelling called partial least square-path modelling (PLS-PM) was used for
analysis. The results show that indicators explaining affordability and
acceptability were exactly the same in Penang and combination of seven cities
in Indonesia.
Author: Putranto L.S.,
Prasetijo J., Setyarini N.P.S.E
Journal Code: jptsipilgg150006