Pengaruh Bentuk Saluran Turun (Sprue) Terhadap Cacat Porositas Dan Nilai Kekerasan pada Pengecoran Aluminium Menggunakan Metode Lost Foam Casting
Abstract: This study is aimed
to determine the effect of cross-sectional shape of the sprue on porosity
defect and hardness number of aluminum alloy castings using the lost foam
casting process.
The raw material used in this study is derived from waste aluminum of bus
pistons. Variations in cross-sectional shape sprue used are: circle, square,
and triangle.The Porosity test conducted by comparing the true density with
apparent density. The porosity testing using ASTM E-252 standart. The hardness
number testing is conducted by using a Rockwell hardness testing machine with
1.59 mm of indenter steel diameter and 100 kg of test force.
The results showed that sprue with a square cross-sectional shape has
lower average porosity percentage of 2.30% and higher average hardness values
at 69.9 HRB Highest of porosity percentage values on sprue triangle at 4.93%
and the lowest hardness value of 55.9 HRB.
Penulis: Eko Sriwahyudi,
Bambang Kusharjanta, Wahyu Purwo Raharjo
Kode Jurnal: jptmesindd140498