Pengaruh Variasi Normalitas NaOH pada Aktivasi Basa-Fisik Zeolit Pelet Perekat terhadap Prestasi Sepeda Motor Bensin 4-Langkah
Abstract: Natural zeolite is
an alternative adsorbent. It needs firstly to
be activated before using it as absorbent in order to get zeolite with
high adsorption capacity. Previously, the use of pelletized zeolite activated
by NaOH-physic and KOH-physic with varied normalities was only performed in a
diesel engine to observe the engine performance.In this study there were two
kinds of activation, that is chemical
activation with NaOH activator variation on the normality of 0.25 N, 0.5 N,
0.75 N, and 1.0 N and physical activation with using a temperature of 220 °C for 2 hours. All are
made in the form of adhesive zeolite pellets with a diameter of 10 mm and a
thickness of 3 mm. From the test results and analysis showed that the use of
chemically activated zeolite can improve the performance of 4-stroke petrol
engine when compared without using
zeolite. The best performance in this experiment obtained at the
normality of 0,75 N. At road test, the pelletized zeolite can reduce the fuel
consumption 23, 15 %, and 16,51 % at stationary test, and increase acceleration
by 14,77 %.
Penulis: Herry Wardono
Kode Jurnal: jptmesindd140473