SWOT Analysis of Housing Co-operatives in South Africa
Abstract: While South Africa
has the necessary legislative and policy frameworks in housing and other
sectors that could have contributed to the development of co-operative housing
approach, little is done to promote it. To that end, this paper provides the
SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis of 6 housing
co-operatives in South Africa. Based on the data generated from the multi-case
study conducted and the administration of self addressed questionnaires, a SWOT
analysis was done in order to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities
and threats to the housing co-operatives, with a view to developing sustainable
strategies. Results from the study shows that the housing co-operatives are
faced with many threats arising from the external environment and many
weaknesses arising from the inadequate internal resources and circumstances.
One of the strategies proposed is that there should be formulation and
implementation of appropriate policies and legislation beneficial to the
housing co-operatives by the government.
Author: Jimoh, R.A., Van Wyk,
Journal Code: jptsipilgg140027