Travel Time Estimation and Prediction using Mobile Phones: A Cost Effective Method for Developing Countries
Abstract: Conventional data
collection methods lack real time information and involve excessive cost of
installation and maintenance. A real-time, low cost travel time data collection
system can be developed using mobile phones. This project examines the use of
mobile phones for travel time prediction of public transit vehicles and
develops a dynamic travel time prediction model. Personnel were employed in
public transit vehicles with mobile phones and these mobile phones were tracked
continuously. Space information of the mobile phones represents the position of
the buses and movement pattern of these mobile phones in turn represents the
movement pattern of the public buses. The starting and arrival time at sections
obtained from the cellular database were used to get the travel time and speed.
Results obtained were statistically significant and it shows that use of mobile
phone for travel time data collection is a low cost data collection technique
for Indian cities.
Keywords: Resource Tracking
and Management Service (RTMS), mobile phone tracking, real time traffic data
Author: Satyakumar, M., Anil,
R., Sivakumar, B
Kode Jurnal: jptsipilgg140024