Defect Detection on Texture using Statistical Approach

Abstract:  In  this  paper  we  present  several  techniques  for  detecting  a  simple  defect  on  the texture. The simple defect is the defect that can be detected directly via image histogram or via image  histogram  of  the  transformed  original  image  in  the  wavelet  space.  In  this  proposed method we used kernel density estimate instead of histogram for presenting the distribution of the image gray levels. The simple defect can be detected as the area in the tail of the image gray level  distribution.  Therefore  a  threshold  in  the  left  or  right  (or  both)  side(s)  of  the  gray  level distribution is needed. This threshold will indicate the defected area to the non defected area in the image distribution. In this paper, we used three techniques to determine the threshold poin. The first one, we used the concept of significance level in statistical hypotheses, we assume that the probability of the defect gray level lies in that level, e.g. alpha = 5%, the threshold point in this approach is the point in the gray level (x-axis of the distribution) that makes the probability of the gray level equal to alpha. The second approach, we used the modified Otsu method, and the last one we used the Hill estimator. These approaches will produce a rectilinear which covers the  defected  area.  The  smallest  the  rectilinear  can  detect  the  defected  area  the  better  the performance  of  the  proposed  method.  In  this  way  of  measurement,  Hill  estimator  performs better than the other two proposed methods.
Keywords: Hill estimator, kernel density estimate, image histogram, wavelet, texture, defect
Author: Siana Halim
Kode Jurrnal: jptindustrigg150014

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