ABSTRACT: Fusel oil is a side product of ethanol manufacturing process through the fermentation of molasses.  Sometimes,  fusel  oil  is  accidently  mixed  with  liquid  waste  from  the  bottom  of alcohol  rectifying  column.  This  mixture  is  called  lutter  washer.  Fusel  oil  contains  isoamyl alcohol, n-amyl alcohol, and other alcohols. Isoamyl alcohol is the raw material of organic ester. Further processing is required to increase the economic value of fusel oil, such as the separation  of  components  by  distillation.  In  this  study,  the  composition  of  isoamyl  alcohol and n-amyl alcohol in the residue in the distillation process as a function of distillation time in  a  packing  column  was  evaluated.  An  artificial  waste  lutter  washer  was  used  as  a  raw materials in this experiment. The processes were conducted using a distillation column with a  cylindrical  dan  spherical  glass  packing  materials.  Lutter  washer  was  distilled  with  total reflux  until  the  equilibrium  temperature  was  reached,  then  the  data  of  the  experiment  was taken during 180 minutes at the condition of reflux at 5/5 (5 minutes distillate was returned to  the  tower  and  5  minutes  distillate  was  collected).  The  composition  of  the  distillation residue  were  evaluated  at  interval  time  of  30  minutes.  The  same  processes  were  evaluated using different heights of  packing materials. The data show that the  highest composition of isoamyl  alcohol  and  n-amyl  alcohol  are  21.99%  and  3.70%  of  the  15  mL  total  residue, respectively.  It  is  obtained  in  the  distillation  process  that  used  the  packing  materials  with ball shape, the column with 85 cm of height and 3.5 cm of diameter. 
Keywords: Fusel Oil, Distillation, Isoamyl Alcohol, N-Amyl Alcohol
Penulis: Ani Purwanti
Kode Jurnal: jptindustridd160040

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