ABSTRACT: Social  media  utilization  by  moslem  community  has  increased  from  year  to  year.  In  the last  decade,  Facebook  and  Twitter  are  used  as  means  of  communication  to  forward  the religious messages and Islamic preaching (dakwah). Among existing social media, twitter is considered  having  quite  high  popularity  in  society.  Trend  of  conducting  dakwah  by  twitter with  kultwit  apparently  has  assisted  the  Muslim  preachers  to  deliver  Islamic  messages  in more  interesting  way.  Furthermore,  they  gain  positive  respond  from  society.  Kultwit  has become one of the alternative sources to obtain information about Islam and to understand Islam deeper.
Keywords: Twitter, kultwit, dakwah, social media
Penulis: Ahmad Fathan Hidayatullah
Kode Jurnal: jptindustridd160042

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