Aplikasi Pengukuran Tahanan Tanah Terhadap Penekanan Plat Dalam Penentuan Parameter Desain Roda Besi Bersirip

Abstract: Plat penetration resistance on paddy soil was measured for determination of a lug wheel design parameters. A penetrometer equipped with plat tips (three plat sizes) was used for soil penetration measurement at 30o, 45o, 60o, 75o and 90o penetratiron angle, at the depth of 2.5 cm, 5 cm, 7.5 cm, 10 cm, 12.5 cm, 15 cm, 17.5 cm dan 20 cm. The results showed that using plat inclination angle of 45o, produced highest horizontal and vertical soil reaction forces. In the paddy soil with a deeper mud layer condition, soil reaction forces tended to signifcantly increase at 0-10 cm depth and at 15-20 cm depth. The soil reaction force at 15-20 cm depth at 90o penetration angle was 60 kPa. For the location, the optimum lug wheel design parameters were: 14 lugs, 8 cm lug height, 35 cm lug width, and 85 cm wheel diameter. For a shallower mud layer paddy soil, the soil resistance signifcantly increased at 6-20 cm depth. Penetration resistance at 15-20 cm depth at 90o penetration angle was higher than 90 kPa. The optimum lug wheel design parameters were: 14 lugs, 10 cm lug height, 35 cm lug width, and 85 cm wheel diameter.
Keywords: paddy soil, plat penetration, soil resistance, lug wheel, design
Penulis: Wawan Hermawan
Kode Jurnal: jppertaniandd090122

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Jp Pertanian dd 2009