Desain dan Kinerja Unit Perlakuan Uap Panas (VHT) Untuk Disinfestasi Lalat Buah pada Penanganan Pascapanen Mangga

Abstract: Formerly, chemical fumigation was used for disinfestation treatment, but now had been replaced by chemical-free disinfestations treatment such as vapor heat treatment (VHT). The objectives of this research were (1) to design the VHT Unit and testing its performances, and (2) to study the effect of the VHT method and waxing on the fruit quality during storage of mango. The designs of VHT unit consist of water tank, flter, heater, water pump, differential pressure fan, atomizer, control panel and treatment chamber. Performance of the unit showed that the temperature of the VHT chamber increased from ambient temperature of 30OC to setting point of 47OC in 70 minutes. Relative humidity of the VHT chamber was very high (more than 90%) indicating the VHT unit was successful in being used for fruitfly disinfestations of fruit product. Using setting point of 46.5OC, the mango fruit core temperature reached temperature of 45.5-46.3OC in 130 minutes. Mango ‘Gedong gincu’ were treated at 46.5OC for 10, 20, 30 minutes and control and then followed by waxing. The results showed that VHT of 10-30 minutes were not signifcantly affect the fruit quality. There were no signifcant changes in the fruit weight losses, hardness, color, soluble solid content, water content and vitamin C. VHT at 46.5OC for 20-30 minutes was effective to kill the fruitfly infested inside the mangos and VHT followed by waxing was able to maintain mango quality during storage.
Keywords: mango, fruit fly, heat quarantine treatment, vapor heat treatment (VHT)
Penulis: Rokhani Hasbullah, Agus Sutejo, Astu Unadi3, Suparlan
Kode Jurnal: jppertaniandd090109

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Jp Pertanian dd 2009