Kajian Pengaruh Konfgurasi Mesin Penggilingan terhadap Rendemen dan Susut Giling beberapa Varietas Padi

Abstract: Rice is the staple food for Indonesian people so that the rice supply will be the barometer for the national’s food security. In rice production, both of postharvest losses and low milling yield are still the problems due to lack of postharvest handling. In this study, the effect of rice milling machine configuration on the milling yield and quality of some paddy varieties was examined. Paddy variety of Ciherang, Cibogo and Hybrid were milled using a confguration process of: 1) two husking and two polishing (2H-2P), 2) one husking, one separating and one polishing (H-S-P), and 3) one husking, two separating and two polishing (H-2S-2P). The results show that the paddy varieties signifcanly affect milling yield and losses. However, rice milling machine confgurations are not signifcantly affect the milling yield and losses. Paddy variety of Cibogo resulting in the highest milling yield (67.80 %) compared to Ciherang (62.61 %) and Hibrida (60.78 %). Paddy variety of Cibogo resulting in the lowest losses (1.41 %) compared to Ciherang (3.43 %) and Hibrida (3.03 %). The speed of milling process for confguration of 2H-2P, H-S-P and H-2S-2P were 228.1 kg/hour, 295.6 kg/h and 263.2 kg/hr respectively.
Keywords: paddy, rice milling confguration, milling lossess, milling yield
Penulis: Rokhani Hasbullah dan Anggitha Ratri Dewi
Kode Jurnal: jppertaniandd090118

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Jp Pertanian dd 2009