Metode Pembuatan Guludan Secara Mekanis denganTenaga Penggerak Traktor Dua Roda untuk Budidaya Tanaman Sayuran

Abstract: The objective of this study was to determine the best tillage method for making planting beds for vegetables cultivation using a two-wheel type tractor. Five tillage methods using a two-wheel type tractor with its equipments were tested and evaluated in this study. The methods which were tested were: 1) plowing using a reversible type plow, followed by ridging using a ridger and fnished by harrowing using a rotary tiller (B-F-G 1 method) ; 2) plowing, followed by harrowing and fnished by ridging (B-G-F method); 3) plowing, followed by harrowing followed by ridging and fnished by 2nd harrowing (B-G-F-G method); 4) plowing, followed by 40 cm width of harrowing and fnished by ridging (B-G-F 2 method); and 5) plowing, followed by 40 cm width of harrowing and fnished by ridging with 40 cm tractor wheel-base (B-G-F 3 method). The experiments were conducted on several plots of dry land. The results of the experiments showed that the B-G-F 3 method produced the best planting bed form, an appropriate bed size and a better soil condition for vegetables cultivation. The feld capacity of this method was 74 m2/hour and was the highest capacity among the fve methods.
Keywords: planting bed, two wheel tractor, tillage, vegetable cultivation
Penulis: Wawan Hermawan, Desrial dan Susanto Budi Sulistyo
Kode Jurnal: jppertaniandd090112

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Jp Pertanian dd 2009