Penggunaan Teknologi Perontokan untuk Menekan Susut dan Mempertahankan Kualitas Gabah

Abstract: Paddy (Oryza sativa) is a plant producing rice as a staple food of Indonesian people. Efforts to increase rice production is done not only through the extention of the rice areas, but also to minimize postharvest losses. This study aims to assess the use of thresher technology on postharvest losses of paddy. Threshing of paddy is done by three methods: (1) manually or “gebot”, (2) using pedal threshers, and (3) using power threshers. The results showed that the use of power thresher able to reduce paddy losses from 3,31 to 4,35 % (for manual threshing or gebot) to be 0,49 to 1,21 %. The use of power thresher also reduces the percentage of grain cracking from 7,1 % to be 4,1 % by threshing manually. Threshing capacity using power thresher from 708.0 to 773.0 kg/h, while using the pedal thresher 84.96 to 113.00 kg/h and manual thresher resulting only 54.69 to 62.22 kg/h.
Keywords: paddy, power thresher, pedal thresher, manual thresher, postharvest losses
Penulis: Rokhani Hasbullah dan Riska Indaryani
Kode Jurnal: jppertaniandd090117

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Jp Pertanian dd 2009