Urban Water Demand on Interbasin Water Resources Management System

Abstract: Cidanau watershed in West of Java has 22,620 ha; it provides water for other basin in the largest industrial city of Cilegon. To have future condition of water supply and demand for Cidanau and Cilegon region model was developed expressing water supply from Cidanau built by tank model with some land uses related parameters. Water supply from Cidanau watershed depends on land use and water system in the watershed. The rest of water flow to the downstream and be utilized to the Cilegon city by Cinangka pump station and calculated based on the water use of industrial and domestic. To maintain and increase the availability of water, it is necessary to change some land uses into forest and install better water supply system with higher effciencies. Water availability of runoff under existing condition as Scenario 1 is only suffcient until before the year 2018. Scenario 2 with the land use to be change as 50% of the mixed agricultural dry land system into forest area and 50% garden into rice feld, water availability will be sufficient until more than 2018. If Scenario 2 was used together with Scenario 3 having better effcient technology, water supply will be suffcient until more than the year 2025.
Keywords: water supply, water demand, urban, interbasin, system dynamics
Author: Sutoyo, M. Yanuar J. Purwanto, Kato Tasuku, Goto Akira
Journal Code: jppertaniandd090121

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Jp Pertanian dd 2009