Analisis Efektivitas Musyawarah Perencanaanpembangunan
ABSTRACT: Development Planning
Conference (Musrenbang) is a government program that aims for the community
development programs related to a region. The purpose of this study is to look
at the effectiveness of Musrenbang forum on villagelevel (Musrenbangkel). This research
was conducted in March to April 2014 in the Village Pabuaran, Cibinong
subdistrict, Bogor regency with the total respondents were 51 people. The
hypothesis was tested with Spearman rank correlation. Correlation coefficient
results showed that the effectiveness Musrenbangkel forum as measured by three indicators, namely
productivity, satisfaction, and morale is high. While gender relations, the
characteristics of the group, guiding role and level of participation of group
members is relatively good with moderate to very high category.
Penulis: Ezi Hendri, Ninuk
Purnaningsih, Amiruddin Saleh
Kode Jurnal: jpkomunikasidd140641