Faktor yang Berpengaruh terhadap Kesiapan BPK RI Sulawesi Tenggara dalam “E-Audit”

Abstract: One of the bureaucratic reform implementation is the application of electronic government (E-government). E-government is considered able to actualize the enhanced performance of bureaucracy. Nevertheless, the application of e-government should also be followed by the readiness of the officers. The purpose of this research is to analyze factors that influencing The Readiness of Auditor in implementing E-Audit as well as to analyze The Readiness of Auditor in implementing E-Audit. The respondents in this research were all of auditors at The Audit Board of The Republic of Indonesia Representative Office of Southeast Sulawesi as a census research. To analyze factors that influencing The Readiness of Auditor in implementing E-Audit and The Readiness of Auditor in implementing E-Audit, it was used a multiple linear regression by distributing questionnaires. From the result of data analysis, it indicated that BPK RI Representative Office of Southeast Sulawesi was ready for the implementation of E-Audit. Then, compatibility and ease of use variables simultaneously had influence on the readiness of auditor in the implementation of E-Audit.
Keywords: E-Audit, E-Government and Readiness
Penulis: Pramita Sukarso, Ali Rokhman, Slamet Rosyadi
Kode Jurnal: jpsosiologidd150694

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