Implementasi pengelolaan rekod di fakultas teknik universitas Indonesia (FT UI)
Abstract: In carrying out its
activities, the organization will produce substantive and facilitatice
records.Those records created by the organization must be managed properly to
be easily used and retrievedby the organization as the evidence of the
organization’s activities. This study aims to determinethe implementation of
records management run by Technology Faculty at University of
Indonesia.Qualitative method is the approach in this research method with
interviewing informants to getthe valid data. The finding of the research is
the management of records in Technology Faculty isdecentralized under the
responsibility of each unit in Faculty. In managing the records, each unitshave
different ways to manage. The principle of record managemnet, they are easy to
retrieve, whenthey are needed and requested.
Penulis: Dyah Puspitasari Sri
Kode Jurnal: jpkomunikasidd160394