Abstract: Legal establishment of a joint legislative task of the executive. Law concretely manifest in a legislation. The times are always accompanied by a society isdemands, which is in line with the progress of the development of science andtechnology globally. Functions of the state in charge of all the rules to organizeand meet the needs of its citizens is done throught legal political policy. Thelaw requires the develoment of a progressive politics that is always dynamic.Resonsibility society must be accomodated in e lagislation. Shades of theIndonesian legal system of formal legalistif formal positiviestic character is not aspirational again in the resolution of lawsuits that are very dynamic andresponsive at this time, for the next legislators and executive branches in theestablishment of the rule of law it is time to shift the mindset forwards the typeof legal realistic, practical and progressive. Guidelines used by the legislators it was time to adopt, replicate and wear character types law the families of law outside continental Europe, one of which types and styles of breath common lawsystem. All toward political reform law is realized through the establishment of policies that must be taken for the ralization of the type of welfare state.
Keywords: Legal Politics, Responsive, Next Time
Penulis: Nur Sodiq
Koder Jurnal: jphukumdd160320

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