Penerapan Dan Pengelolaan Manajemen Resiko (Risk) Dalam Industri Perbankan Syariah: Studi Pada Bank BUMN dan Bank Non BUMN
Abstract: This study used a
qualitative research method that is research that aims to build a preposition
and explain the meaning behind the social reality that happened. This research
is digging deeper into the application of Islamic banking risk management at the
Bank of SOEs and non-SOEs Bank. The focus of the studies in this research are:
Practice implementation and governance of risk management, risk management
practices carried out by Islamic banking has been able to reduce the risk of
loss, and compliance with Islamic law (principle / principle of Islamic
transactions).The results showed that banks in Indonesia have entered into the
era of integrated risk management (integrated management) and risk-based
supervision (risk based supervision). All products are issued by Bank Sharia
SOEs and non-SOEs supervised by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) and
Sharia Supervisory Board (DPS) in accordance with the functions and authority
of each institution. The application of risk mitigation is happening in Islamic
banking there is a risk that originated from internal employees or company
caused by itself and external customers. The most highest risk of murabahah
financing. The principle in Islamic transactions to the principles of
fraternity, justice, welfare, balance and universality has been applied. Risk
mitigation financing is done on fiduciary risk as the risk that is legally
responsible for breach of contract investments of incompatibility with the
provisions of sharia or mismanagement (mismanagement) to the investor funds.
Penulis: tasriani
Kode Jurnal: jpantropologidd160080