Abstrak: To prepare a qualified human resources whose have competitive advantage is a very important factor in globalization era. In this era, foreignworkers have the same opportunity to work in our country and so do us, we should be able to compete and have the requisite qualification’s company needs. This research was conducted at PT. Moriss site located at Muara Kaman,Tenggarong, East Borneo, and the goal of the research are (1) to find out and analyze competencies which are consist of education level, job experience, education background, english language ability, mastery of technology, job motivation, job relevancy, and training which influence the work performance of employee at administration division of the above mentioned company. (2) to findout and analyze the biggest contribution of sub-competency. This research was implemented in administration division with total 12 samples using cencus method. Descriptive quantitative was the data analysis used by researcher to explain the characteristic of respondents with using simple linear regression and hypoteses were tested using T-test and R2 test (Determination Coefficient). Result was indicate that competencies influence the work performance as the result of coefficient determinant value R2 (square) was 54,4%. whereas the rest is 45,6%, influence by other variables which unexplained on the model. This is indicate that overall independent variables simultaneously influence the employee’s job performance at administration division of PT. Moriss site MuaraKaman, and the biggest contribution of sub-competency factors was the working experience. Based on research result, recommendations can be given is to improve employee’s competencies.
Keywords: Competency, work achievement, work experience, english language ability, training, job relevancy, mastery of technology, motivation, education background
Penulis: Nina Ningsih Panggabean
Kode Jurnal: jpadministrasinegaradd131074

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