Pengaruh Transformasi Sistem E-Learning Terhadap Minat Belajar Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (Smk) Wikrama Di Kota Bogor
ABSTRACT: E-Learning is a
learning process electronically and remotely can be done without face to
face interactions informally
with a simpler, for example
by means of mailing lists, e-newsletters
or personal websites,
organizations and companies that want to
socialize services,
programs, knowledge or
particular skills in
societies.This study was to
determine the e-learning teaching system, determine the effect of the transformation of e-learning system to
students, and students'
interest in learning to know the
e-learning system. This research using
quantitative methods with a sample of
60 students. Data collected
through questionnaires. Analysis of
the data using product moment The results showed that the
learning system of e-learning
considered less effective as
face-to-face communication is
still used only
used to provide
enrichment and test
materials. Effect of the
transformation of the system of e-learning
relatively new, so it is
still weak and
the students themselves have
not understood in depth.
Student interest to study e-learning systems is still
low because of e-learning is
still in the introduction
stage. Effect of the transformation of e-learning system on
student interest is very weak
because it is still using the
system dependence learn face to face with the teacher.
Penulis: Iskandar Abubakar,
Gina ., Cahyono T Wibowo
Kode Jurnal: jpkomunikasidd140639