Abstrack: The Presidential Regulation Number 9 of 2009 on Financing Agency described the sense of factoring is fnancing activities in the form of purchases of short -termtrade receivables of a company following the maintenance on these receivables.Factoring activity can be used as an alternative for businesses to help fnancecompany which can facilitate the flow of funds so that the company run canrun well so as to compete to improve the quality and quantity of the productsto be supplied. The parties involved in the transaction of business activities factoring namely client, customer and company factors. Clients are companiesthat sell short-term accounts receivable fnancing company. Customer is theparties receivables owed to the seller ( client ). While the Company Factor, which are companies that do business fnancing in the form of purchase and / or transfer and maintenance of accounts or short- term bills of a company from trading operations within or outside the country. In the factoring activity whenclients transfer or sell their receivables to the factor company must observe theconsiderations used . The sales transaction to the company’s accounts receivablefactor by the client without the knowledge of the customer will have an impact on the law of each parties. Responsibility for the factoring agreement is when the customer is unable to meet its obligations to the company factor.
Keyword: factoring, fnancing, transfer of receivables
Penulis: Anak Agung Putu Krisna Putra, I Made Udiana
Kode Jurnal: jphukumdd160319

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