Abstract: Pawnshop is a State-Owned Enterprise (SOE). Pawnshops give credit to thecommunity by Quick and Safe Credit (KCA). Giving credit of course must beaccompanied by the provision of a guarantee as repayment of loans granted tothe debtor. The collateral is in the form of moving objects. The collateral canbe derived from belonging ofa debtor or the one that does not belong to the debtor. However, if the collateral does not belong to the debtor has problems;the pawnshop can suffer losses so it should receive legal protection. The issuesraised were: Firstly; about how arrangements regarding legal protection against PT. Pegadaian (Persero) in terms of the collateral pledge not belong to the debtor. Second; about what the legal settlement isif the objectdoes not belongto the debtor’s pledge collateral. The research method used is the empiricalmethod whose research object of study includes the implementation of normativelegal provisions in action / in abstracto on each legal event taken place in thecommunity (in concreto).The results showed that the legal protection was given to Pawnshop if collateral pledge did not belong to the debtor in general which can be found in Article 1131 and Article 1132 of the Civil Code which states thatall the materials of a debtor becomes the liability of all individual agreement, thematerial becomes joint collateral for all people who lend him some money, the sales revenue is divided according to the balance and the size of the receivablesunless there are legitimate reasons to take precedence. Settlement of the objectthat did not belong to the debtor’s pledge came from the report loss from a pawn object owner who wanted to reclaim the object that wasused as collateral withregard to deadline to reclaim, i.e. not more than 3 years since the loss or theft ofitems used as collateral. The owner of the pawn object can take legal procedures by making a report to the police so that it can proceed to court.
Keywords: legal protection, goods, guarantee, pledge
Penulis: Ida Ayu Gede Narasanti
Kode Jurnal: jphukumdd160289

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