Abstract: This Thesis attempts
to capture the power developed in an area aftermath of reformation era in 1998
marked by implementing autonomous region or decentralized. Power in The New
Order Regime, that was The Centralistic changed with the emergence of the local
political elite that affirming their power by various sources of capital.
By having a more open space for
local figures to snatch the seat of power at the local level in the county,
political competition then became closer in social community base level. Those
who have a culture of social capital, networks and other social networking
might be easier to perform. No exception figure of “Kiai” head of
Islamiccommunity originating from habitus religious activities and education in
boarding school and other community social activities.
In Bangkalan regency Habitus-based Political Elite Kiai boils down to
descendants of the BaniKholildiasporic in various organizations either
initiating Community-Social Organizations, political parties and legislative
Institutions and Executive.
The method used in this research is descriptive-qualitative structure of
Agency Bourdieu's approach with data mining using in-depth interviews and
technical documentation.
The end result of this thesis was
to see that the political and Dynastic Politics Breeds successfully built by
RKH Fuad Amin during his leadership in two periods, ten years later continued
by the winning of his son MakmunIbnuFuad with a majority of votes 93,47
percent. After his main rival who is also a descendant of BaniKholil, namely KH
Imam BuchoriKholil failed to follow the contestation elections directly.
In contestation elections in Bangkalan Regency, the ability of the group
or Political Actor in using sources of capital and symbolic power in a society
is still very effective in managing their Paternalistic room practices.In the
analysis of Structure-Agency Bourdieu's perspective, social space and social
groups who control it are the products of a historical struggle continuously
updated for contested or won as well as establish dominance in power.
Penulis: Yudhi Rachman
Kode Jurnal: jpsosiologidd150677

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