Abstract: Cooperatives are
economic institutions whose existence is mandated by the 1945 Constitution of
Article 33 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution states that: "Theeconomy
is structured as a joint venture based on the principle of the family."
The position of the cooperative as a pillar of the economy, has a position
parallel to and onpar with the other pillars, namely the economy under State
sector and the private sectoreconomy. In such conditions, this research to be
interesting, especially to uncover the political shiftin the law as a result of
the application of Law No. 17 in 2012 replacing Law No. 25, 1992.The problems
of the application of Law No. 17 in 2012 to more crucial since theConstitutional
Court (MK) granted the petition for judicial review of Law No. 17 in 2012through
the Decision on Case No. 28 / PUU-X / 2013. Constitutional Court's decision which
is erga omnes further confirmed that Law No. 17 in 2012 is diametrically
opposedto the values (values) are contained in the 1945 Constitution. The
results of the analysis of that Law No. 17 of 2012 has come out or contrary to
thephilosophy of the cooperative which is a joint venture based on family
principles. Inaddition, Act No. 17 of 2012 concerning Cooperatives in juridical
and sociological side has been opposed to the capitalist system, the state is
supposed to protect the small people'seconomy, the cooperatives. Such
protection are to maintain the philosophy, values, andprinciples of
cooperatives of other ideologies among other threats capitalism and communism.
Thus the cancellation of Law No. 17 in 2012 with the re-enactment of Law No.
25, 1992, this has resulted that the Cooperative is not lost 'spirit' as a
driver of development and development of cooperation.
Penulis: Agus Bambang Nugraha
Kode Jurnal: jpsosiologidd160257