ABSTRACT: Global labor market that is marked by the integration of labor between countries is also accompanied by the emergence of variety - the kind of new jobs in line with the science-technology innovation and increased creativity to answer the increasingly fierce competition. To that higher education increasingly demanded able to respond to the needs of the workforce that is more dynamic and complex. On the other hand in Indonesia currently is the tendency of many new universities be opened a massive, and more profit-oriented without being followed by the provision of adequate infrastructure, resulting in an increasing number of graduates but has not been matched by an increase in quality. Meanwhile productive employment in Indonesia is also limited, so that the educated unemployed is relatively high.
Another problem , the prediction of the McKinsey Global Institute ( MGI ) shows that in the global labor market , in 2030 Indonesia is expected to experience a  labor shortage of educated and skilled, but excess workers non-skilled.. Meanwhile , at the same time between the years 2010-2035 Indonesia also is undergoing a period in which the population dependency ratio reached its lowest point is equal to 46.9 in 2028 . This gives the possibility of a demographic bonus that is an economic benefit to the welfare of the population , in terms of which the qualified human resources and decent work opportunities.  Various predictions and these opportunities will be a tough challenge because Indonesia still faced with the reality of the poor quality of human resources and lack of decent employment opportunities.Based on these issues this paper will examine the relevance of university graduates in Indonesia and requirement labor in the global era. The approach used is a quantitative approach using secondary data from various sources such as the Directorate General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, the Central Bureau of Statistics, ILO and the World Bank and several studies are relevant
KEYWORDS: Relevance, Universities, Labor, Global labor market
Penulis: Titik Handayani
Kode Jurnal: jpsosiologidd150633

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