RETHINKING TEORI KOMUNIKASI DALAM KONTEKS MEDIA BARU (Telaah Pemikiran Holmes tentang Komunikasi, Teknologi dan Masyarakat)
Abstract: The new media give
consequence to the study of communication sciences. Empirical facts showed that
communication research often get stuck on the wrong footing basis in analyzing
social conditions, but there is no doubt that the theory of communication should
be in harmony with the development of technologies that facilitate society and
interaction process. This study seeks to provide a description of how the
development of the theory of communication and dialogue with communication
problems emerging. David Holmes's view on the development of communication
studies will overshadow this article. Literature method used to describe the
theories that have been and can be applied to the study of communication, new
media and social implications there in.
Penulis: Sih Natalia Sukmi
Kode Jurnal: jpsosiologidd150641