Abstract: Business actor is any individual or business entity in the form of legal entity or legal entities, conducting business activities in the territory of the Republic ofIndonesia, either alone or together with an agreement for the business activitiesof the various felds of economic activity which includes transaction buy and sell.As for the issues related to the issues discussed on the responsibility of businessesto the business of buying and selling mobile phones without the warranty? Andcriminal penalties against businesses in the sales of mobile phones without thewarranty? In writing using normative methods descriptive. This paper refers to Regulation Legislation No. 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection and TradeMinister Regulation No. 19/M-DAG/PER/ 5/2009 on Guidelines for Registrationof Usage (Manual) and card guarantee or warranty After Sales In IndonesianFor Telematics products and Electronics. The operations are carried out by thebusiness shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of applicablelegislation, when a violation of prescribed rules, businesses shall be responsible for any losses suffered as a result of his actions. And business operators shall besubject to imprisonment or fned.
Keywords: purchase, Warranty, Business, Responsibility
Penulis: Gde Manik Yogiartha
Kode Jurnal: jphukumdd160318

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