The Strategies in Dealing with Political Conflict in Syria: Study of Khalid Khalifah’s La Sakakin Fi Mathabikhi Hadzihil-Madinah
Abstract: Novel La Sakakin fi
Mathabikhi hadzihil-Madinah (LSMHM) is considered to have an intense
ideological and political nuance for its narration on conflict. It is worth
reading this novel to observe the measures chosen by the characters in dealing
with existing conflict and its impacts. Sociological approach to literature is
applied to reveal the strategy. The reading reveals that the characters in this
novel have various strategies in dealing with conflict and related problems.
Contending, yielding, problem solving, withdrawing, and inaction are the
possible strategies. However, none of the characters choose yielding or problem
solving. The existing preferences seem to be the writer’s outlook on that
conflict. The conflict itself has been inflicting refuge, social manipulation,
excision, and harassment.
Author: Arief Budiman
Journal Code: jpantropologigg160036