Implementasi Program Beras Miskin (Raskin) Bagi Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah Di Kelurahan Sawang Bendar Kecamatan Tahuna Kabupaten Kepulauaan Sangihe
Abstract: This research moved
from initial findings that the implementation of the program in the Village Sawang
Bendar Raskin indicated less effective, less targeted and not just the right
amount. Thus, thisstudy aims to determine how the Raskin program implementation
and obstacles that reported in theprocess of implementation of the Raskin
program. To answer the research problem, then applied descriptive method
kualitastif. Data collected by observation, interview and documentation, kemudiaan
10 (ten) the informant set of elements of the District government Tahuna many
as four people, four persons from the village government Sawang bendar and 2
persons from the RTS-PM. Interactive techniques used to analyze the data. Results
of the study showed that: (1) Rice program impelemntasi Poor (Raskin) in Sub
Sawang subdistrict Bendar Tahuna, in general has done well and is quite
effective, but there are two dimensions, namely resources and implementing
organizational structure is not optimal achievable. (2) There are several
factors inhibiting or obstacles in the implementation of Raskin, particularly
in Sub Sawang Bendar, namely: (a). Weather constraints in the distribution of
Raskin. (B). Liveliness personnel, executive personnel khususya distribution
and (c). Delays in the disbursement of operational funds at district level. Referring
to some of the findings in this study, it is necessary to give some suggestions
as solutions to problems in this study, as follows: (1) Internal coordination
should be increased through surveillance team in charge at each level of the
implementation team. (2) Lurah need to provide guidance to apply the principles
of the discipline of work for members of the executive team Distribution Raskin
told RTS-PM
Penulis: Gideon Kongginawan,
Burhanuddin Kiyai, Joorie Marhaen Ruru
Kode Jurnal: jpadministrasinegaradd160745