ABSTRACT: The headmaster of an
educational leader has an important role in improving the quality. In line with
the role that is so important given to schools, namely improving the quality of
human resources, the school in carrying out its functions should be able to
provide quality education services to the participants, because the leadership
exercised by the principal should be oriented to the quality of leadership
concerned .. primary on quality, so-called leadership qualities. Quality
leadership is leadership that always wants something perfect or best.
leadership quality is basically an effect process for quality improvement,
where leaders try to influence Bahawan to do what is deemed important by the
leader. Leadership that leads to quality includes three managerial functions,
including planning, control, and improvement in quality. School principals are
implementing quality leadership, will share the responsibility, continuous
improvement, providing materials and tools are required of teachers and staff.
In the leadership quality of each component involved in education is the leader,
in which each person is responsible to eliminate the obstacles faced, which
could hinder the successful implementation of the task.
Penulis: Endang Herawan
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd143211