ABSTRACT: The article presents the outcome of research on 30 books of Quranic interpretations for sura al-Ghasyiah, verses 17-26, which are strongly assumed to contain pedagogic meanings, concepts, and values that can be formulated into an instructional model. The research was conducted by analyzing the keywords of the verses lexically, contextually, and hermeneutically. Then, the meanings gained were categorized, compared, contrasted, and abstracted, so that they were eventually synthesized into a main idea as a hypothetical model, termed M-3 Model. The model consists of three main instructional activities, represented in the terms munazharah, mudzakarah, and muhasabah. The three activities are a mutually completing and supporting cycle for the achievement of various instructional objectives, ultimately to improve the ability and skills of students to think systematically, logically, creatively, and innovatively through the development of potentials and fi trah (human norm). Specifi cally, munazharah activity is expected to result in cognitivistic knowledge (ainal yaqin), mudzarakah to develop knowledge,experience, and values into faith-based knowledge (‘ilm al-yaqin), and muhasabah to encourage the achievement of knowledge and values whose truths have been proven (haqqul yaqin), so that they will be the driving force for various activities based on law, moral, and ethics. Because the model taught by God to human beings is still hypothetical and theoretical in nature, it is suggested that the model be empirically tested to be more valid.
Keywords: Instructional Model, Munazharah, Mudzakarah, Muhasabah
Author: Syihabuddin
Journal Code: jppendidikangg130070

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