Pendidikan Islam dan Kemajuan Sains: Historisitas Pendidikan Islam yang Mencerahkan

Abstract: Islamic education-both as an institution and subject in public schools-currentlyfacing the serious and complicated challenge, for example the uncertainty ofdichotomiousparadigm. This uncertainty appears influenced strongly by theparadigm of thinking that tends to dualistic-confrontative. A paradigm that distinguishes the two things that seem diametrically opposed and potentially causeconflict. In Islamic education discourse, known terminology such as religious education and general education, traditional and modern education, mundane and  hereafter education, and so on. So it has an impact on the discussion of the materialon Islamic education that tends to ignore the matters of the mundane, such as science and technology –that ever mastered by muslims in the heyday of Islamaswell as another matters that actually if we examine the Qur’an as theological foundation, Muslims talk a lot about the cosmology and universality. The newdiscoveries in the field of genetics as a new challenge for the Islamic education that still dwell on the issue of teachers professionalism, teaching methodology and facilities.
Keywords: Islamic Education, Science, Historicity
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd151768

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