Al-Faruqi’s Fundamental Ideas and Philosophy of Education
Abstract: This paper discusses
the fundamental ideal and philosophy of education advocated by Ismail Raji
al-Faruqi (1921-1986) in realizing the Islamization of knowledge (IOK) project.
The concept and perspective ofeducation projected by al-Faruqi was constructed
on the worldview oftawhid that reflected the essence and intrinsic philosophy
and paradigm of knowledge rooted on Islamic vision of reality and truth. It
embodied the comprehensive and holistic vision of education that seeks to
integrate the fundamental element of revealed and acquired knowledge. The project
envisaged to undertake significant reform in the practice and method of
education of the ummah that need to be recast and reproject based on the
intrinsic value and paradigm of the Qur’an and its approachto knowledge. This
paper will analyse this significant idea and principle and its importance in
realizing the IOK vision and reforming the educational system in the Muslim
Author: Tasnim Abdul Rahman, Wan
Sabri Wan Yusof
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikangg150160