Abstract: This research was
conducted in Universitas Pekalongan, with the sample were students who followed
Statistka Matematika II grade A academic year 2016/2017. The purpose of this
studywas to predict the final grades of students passing Statistika Matematika
II subject. StatistikaMatematika II subject was a continuation of the
Statistika Matematika I subject. In other wordsStatistika Matematika I subject
subject as prerequisites to follow the Statistika Matematika II subject. Thus,
the two subjects were interrelated. The final value of the student Statistika Matematika
II subject (Z) could be predicted by a number of factors, among others: the UTSStatistika
Matematika I subject (X1), the value of UAS Statistika Matematika I subject
(X2), theactiviness of students in following Statistika Matematika I subject
(X3), ability early StatistikaMatematika II subject (X4), the motivation of
students in the subject of Statistika Matematika II subject (X5), the
interested of student in the Statistika Matematika II subject (X6), and the distance
from the house toward college students (X7). The final value of the student
StatistikaMatematika II subject was categorized into two categories ie not
passed (0) and pass (1). Based on the analysis using SPSS, an influential
factor for predicting whether students pass the finalgrades of students The
final value of the student Statistika Matematika II subject was the valueof UAS
The final value of the student Statistika Matematika I subject and activeness
of studentsin following the final value of the student Statistika Matematika I
subject. The discriminant model was Z = −11, 742+0, 048X2 +0, 116X3, with group
0 consists of 3 people and one groupconsists of 30 people. Overall discriminant
model formed were validation rate of 93, 9%.
Penulis: Syita Fatih ’Adnaa
Kode Jurnal: jpmatematikadd170029