Abstract: This paper is a study of the theory and application of partial differential equations. The purpose of this study was to examine a concept and apply and implement in computational mathematicsso as to facilitate and support aspects of life outside mathematics. Application of differential equations are widely used in everyday life one of which is to estimate the number of populationin a region and a specific time by using the concept of differential equations. If the populationgrows or shed called N(t), assuming that P(t) is a function that can be derived with respectto time, so including a continuous function. Then assume that dN dt , the rate of change in the number / proportion to total population exists, then dN dt = kN or dN dt − kN = 0 where k is aconstant proportion.
Keywords: Aplication of differential equation, estimate the population
Penulis: Zuli Nuraenia
Kode Jurnal: jpmatematikadd170029

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