ABSTRACT: This study aimed to
compare the mathematics learning outcomes eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 5
Pallangga Gowa taught through Discovery Learning Based Learning and Problem
Based Learning Using Scientific Approach to the material opportunities. This type
of research is a research experiment. The subjects were students of class
VIII.A and VIII.B SMP Negeri 5 Pallangga Gowa in the second semester of the
2014/2015 school year numbered 80 people consisting of 40 people in each group.
Data collected consist of data of student learning outcomes and student
response data to the device and learning. Data were analyzed using descriptive
and inferential analysis. Descriptive Research data show learning outcomes of
students who are taught by the teaching model of Discovery-based learning using
a scientific approach is at the high category with an average of 82.42 with a
standard deviation of 6.09 from the ideal score of 100. The average value of
gain 0.75 with a standard deviation of 0.06 of an ideal score of 1 at the high
category, and learning outcomes classical completeness of 87.5%, while the
response is in the category of students with more positive with an average of
3.29. Learning outcomes of students taught by teaching model Problem-based
learning using a scientific approach at the high category with an average of
87.00 with a standard deviation of 7.06 from the ideal score of 100. The
average value gain of 0.82 with a standard deviation 0.07 of an ideal score of
1 at the high category, and classical completeness learning outcomes by 95%,
while the response is in the category of students with more positive with an
average of 3.48. Descriptive mastery learning outcomes and student response is
different. Testing the hypothesis of the differences in the results of learning
is done by using independent test samples t test with SPSS 20 for significant
learning outcomes with a value of α = 0.05 and for normalized gain significant
value to the value of α = 0.05. It can be concluded there is a difference in
response and student learning outcomes are taught through discovery learning
model based learning and problem based learning model study using a scientific
approach in class VIII SMP Negeri 5 Pallangga
Penulis: Syarifuddin
Kode Jurnal: jpmatematikadd170079