ABSTRACT: A good education is not only about academics, but also the positive social interaction in classroom. Therefore, there is a need to build rapport in classroom interaction. In building rapport, EFL teachers need to conduct several activities, and through self-assessment, teachers can monitor and evaluate their own teaching for professional development. However, self-assessment instrument for building rapport has not been developed yet by any researchers. To fill the needs, this study is established to construct a self-assessment for teacher in building rapport in EFL classroom. By applying design research from a curriculum perspective, the results revealed a self-assessment instrument of maintaining rapport for EFL teacher. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient (α = .928) of this instrument indicated high reliability and the instrument can be considered a reliable instrument to be used for the study sample. EFL teachers can do self-monitoring and self-evaluation on their rapport building in classroom interaction. Additionally, further research in investigating the effect of using this instrument in assessing teacher’s quality is required.
KEYWORDS: rapport; rapport in EFL classroom; teacher’s self-assessment; teacher development
Author: Muhamad Nova
Journal Code: jppendidikangg170002

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