Designing Cartoon as a Supplementary Material for English Structure Subject

Abstract: Cartoon comes from an Italian word ‘Cartone’ meaning a large paper. It isdesigned not only as the media to describe daily activities, but also toentertain, criticize, provoke, and even to teach people. A lot of studieshave been conducted regarding the implementation of cartoon inclassroom or outside classroom context. It is proven that cartoon givessome positive attitudes in teaching students. However, the knowledge inhow to design and utilize the cartoon based on teachers’ and/or students’ needs should be revealed. This article allows teachers and students to know the process and the basic principles of how a cartoon for learning is designed in the context of English Structure class. The method used inthis study is design and development research. The result of this study is a cartoon entitled “The Tragedy of Jayaprana” which promotes thenarrative text as the topic of the learning.
Keywords: cartoon, cartoon designing, cartoon for learning, English structure, narrative
Author: Nurawati Mina
Journal Code: jppendidikangg150159

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