Implementasi Pendekatan Saintifik dalam Pembelajaran di Pendidikan Dasar di Malang

Abstract: The scientific approach is believed to be the golden bridge and the development of attitudes, skills, and knowledge of learners. Implementation of the scientific approach consists of five learning experiences are: observing, questioning, experimenting, associating, and communicating. The objective of this study was to determine the Implementation of Scientific Approach to Learning in Elementary Education Malang. The design study is cross sectional, st udy sample consisted is 10 Natural Sciences Teachers of Elementary School and 10 Natural Sciences Teachers of Junior High School taken by simple random sampling. Data collection method used was a questionnaire, observation, and interviews, while the data analysis methods used are 2 independent samples t-test. The results showed that; 1) a score average knowledge in the scientific approach to learning for Natural Sciences Teachers of Elementary School at 69.5 while for Natural Sciences Teachers of Junior High School at 78.5, 2) a score average skills in the scientific approach to the implementation of learning for Natural Sciences Teachers of Elementary School at 70.0 while Natural Sciences Teachers of Junior High School at 81.0, 3) there are significant differences in the scientific approach to knowledge for learning among Natural Sciences Teachers of Elementary School and Natural Sciences Teachers of Junior High School (t-hit > t-tab0,01, 4.407 > 2.878), and 3) there is a significant difference approach implementation skills scientific learning among Natural Sciences Teachers of Elementary School and Natural Sciences Teachers of Junior High School (t-hit > t-tab0,01, 33.033 > 2.878). From the results of such research can be concluded that implementation of the research results Scientific Approach in Education in Primary Education Malang different between Elementary School and Junior High School Malang.
Keywords: Scientific Approaches, Learning, Primary Education, Elementary Schools, Junior High Schools
Penulis: Moch. Agus Krisno Budiyanto, Lud Waluyo, Ali Mokhtar
Kode Jurnal: jpbiologidd160313

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