Karakter Antomi Daun Tumbuhan Mangrove Akibat Pencemaranndi Hutan Mangrove Kabupaten Cilacap

Abstract: This research was aimed to observe the anatomical character of mangrove plants. Leave and examine the differences from leaves anatomical character of mangroves in Donan river and Tritih forestin Cilacap regency a sanself adaptation indicator. The method which his used was survey method by collecting leaves sample of each mangrove plants.The sample was preparate dusing embedding method, and stained with safranin 1%. The parameter of variable which is observed in leaves anatomical character hickness of leaves, leaves mesophyll thickness, cuticle thick ness, stomata length size, and amount of stomata and trichomes per 1 mm 2 leaves area. The data were analyzed witht-test for examining anatomical character difference. The results showed that four usual types of mangrove plants suchas Achantus ilicifolius, Rhizospora mucronata, Aegiceros corniculatum, and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza have similar leaves anatomical structure. The anatomi calcharacter from polluted habitat were different from unpolluted habitat. This differences was showed in leaves mesophyll thickness, cuticle thickness, stomata length size, and amount of stomata and trichomes per 1mm 2 leaves area.
Keyword: anatomical character of leave, mangroveplants, pollution, Cilacap
Penulis: Siti Samiyarsih, Tata Brata S, dan Juwarno
Kode Jurnal: jpbiologidd160196

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