Karakteristik Tes Biologi Kelas 7 Semester Gasal

Abstract: The goals of the research: (1) To know the difficulty degree of the Biology test items for class VII by the period of the odd term, (2) To know the interval of the Biology test items for class VII by the period of the odd term, (3) To know the reliability of  of the Biology test for class VII by the period of the odd term. The Biology test for class VII by the period of the odd term consists of 100 items tested toward 100 respondents. The item programming version 3.00 is used in the analysis. The result of the analysis shows that: (1) The difficulty degree of the Biology test items for class VII by the period of the odd term is at the interval of 0,025 up to 0,775. There are 30 items which are difficultly tested and 75 items which are easily tested. The comparison of the easy tested items: the medium tested items : the difficult tested items is 26% : 29% : 45%, (2) The interval of the Biology test items for class VII by the period of the odd term shows between -0,226 up to 1,000. The lowest interval belongs to the item numbered 47 and the highest interval belongs to the items numbered 65 and 66. There are found 18 items which belong in bad qualifiation, 23 items which belong in medium qualification, 22 items which belong in good qualification and 37 items which belong in the best qualification, (3) The reliability of  of the Biology test for class VII by the period of the odd term is 0,839.
Keywords: The test  characteristic
Penulis: Suwarto
Kode Jurnal: jpbiologidd160301

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