Kinetika Reaksi Poliesterifikasi Hidrolisat Shellac dan Anhidrida Ftalat Ditinjau Dari Reaktivitas Gugus Hidroksil
Abstract: This research
presents polyesterification kinetics for shellac hydrolizate-phtalic anhydride.
The polyesterification kinetics is proposed by assuming that the reaction in
ideal system, whereas the reactivity of the OH groups are considered different.
Polyesterification was started from purification of shelllac by hydrolisis
process. Hydrolisis was done by dissolving seedlac into NaOH solution and
acidification with HCl. Polyesterification was conducted by reacting shellac
hydrolizate with phtalic anhydride. Both of these materials were reacted in a
three necked flask under vacuum condition. The reaction was conducted intemperature
range of 130-170°C and samples were taken every 30 minutes for a total of 5
hours, todetermine the COOH concentration by titration. The investigation of
reaction kinetic showed that reaction model could describe the kinetic of
polyesterification shellac hydrolzate-phthalic anhydride, especially for temperatures
below 150°C.
Penulis: Lestari Hetalesi
Saputri, Rochmadi, Budhijanto
Kode Jurnal: jpkimiadd150619