Pemanfaatan Lumpur Sidoarjo untuk Sintesis Fotokatalis Microball Fe2O3 Zeolit-Kitosan sebagai Pendegradasi Limbah Tempe

ABSTRACT: The sludge from sidoarjo have high Fe 2 O 3 content of about 62,19%. This content have potential to prepare as photocatalyst for degraded fermented soybean waste by support sunlight. Synthesis of Fe 2 O 3  zeolit-chitosan photocatalyst was carried out by impregnation into zeolite. Adding chitosan into the mixture of Fe 2 O 3  zeolite then cast to be granules. Characterization of photocatalyst obtained using spectrophotometer IR, XRD, and DRS. Microball photocatalyst of Fe 2 O 3  zeolit-chitosan with variation of pH 4, 6, and 8 then were done test of degradation performance by sunlight during 4 hours. As the result, the optimum pH of photocatalyast via COD test is pH 8. The higher base of photocatalyst, decreasing of degradation is higher.
Keywords: degradation, Fe 2 O 3 , fermented soybean waste, sludge
Penulis: Erlaningtias Hutami Ardana Putri, Dwi Fungky Ratnasari, Anugerah Dewi Harumsari, Vivid Ayu Lestari, Sri Wardhani
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd161807

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