Pengaruh Pembelajaran Mini Riset Berbasis Kearifan Lokal terhadap Kemampuan Penguasaan Materi Biologi Konservasi

Abstract: This research is purposed to understand the impact of mini research learning based on local wisdom towards the ability mastership of biology conservation content. The mastery of biology conservation concept is vital to the real life application in order to change the student’s attitude, prowess, value, behavior, and believe towards nature, which in the end could trigger the sustainable development. The method used in this research is the quasi experiment with nonequivalent control group design. The result showed that the concept mastery after the application of mini research learning based on local wisdom (post-test) was higher (80) compare to the control class (66). Moreover, the ability of content mastership (N-gain) after the application of mini research learning based on local wisdom was 0.69, higher than the control class (0.47). Furthermore, the result of t-test showed that there was a different of student’s content mastery between experiment and control class. This could mean that the mini research learning based on local wisdom impacts the content mastery
Keywords: Mini Research Learning, Biology Conservation, Concept Mastery
Penulis: Suroso Mukti Leksono
Kode Jurnal: jpbiologidd160240

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