Pengembangan Kurikulum Pendidikan Lingkungan di Kota Tangerang Selatan: Bagaimana mengintegrasikan Deklarasi Tbilisi dalam Kurikulum

Abstract: This study aims to develop environmental education curriculum based on Tbilisi Declaration.   There were five environmental education goals of Tbilisi Declaration namely knowledge, awareness, attitudes, skills, and participation. Curriculum was developed for supporting education policy in South Tangerang, Banten Province, Indonesia.  Letter of Education Division South Tangerang City nomor 800/KEP 1222-dikdas/2014 stated environmental education as local curriculum in South Tangerang Elementary School.  Curriculum was developed by developmental research. There was four steps to develop curriculum, every steps had three activities, i.e. making, reviewing, and fixing. This study result some standard and basic competences. Research developed environmental education was integrated with thematic subject matter in 1st and 2nd grade, but as monolithic subject matter in 3rd – 6rd grade. Using exiting competence standard from 2014 curriculum and format standard competence 2006 made this curriculum have flexibility to implement for the school that used 2006 or 2013 curriculum.
 Keywords:   environmental education, local curriculum, Tbilisi Declaration
Penulis: Yanti Herlanti
Kode Jurnal: jpbiologidd160312

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