Pengembangan Subject Specific Pedagogy Berbasis PBL Untuk Penguatan Sikap Peduli Lingkungan Siswa Kelas X IPA SMA Negeri Y Karanganyar

Abstract: The purpose of this research is to develop Subject Spesific Pedagogy (SSP) based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) to reinforce student’s  environmental attitude in Grade X IPA SMA Negeri Y Karanganyar. This research is a Research and Development. The research design is 4D (four-D) by Thiagarajan. This research model consist of define, design, develop and disseminate. The disseminate phase isn’t use in this research because the purpose of this research only develop product SSP based on PBL. The product’s characteristic is integration of PBL syntax and environmental subject. The validation results from expert judgments showed that 87,1% in RPP (valid), 82,02% in module (valid), 87,6% in LKS  (valid) and 91% in problem set (valid). The development testing result from students and teacher showed that 82,6% and 82,5% in module and LKS (valid). New Ecological Paradigm instrument (NEP) data showed that the mean value of all aspect had been improved  from 47,92 up to 55,98. Wilcoxon test showed that  sig=0,000 < α=0,05 it’s mean there was differences student’s environmental attitude between pre and post treatment. The conclusion of  this research showed that SSP based on PBL is valid and proper for Grade X IPA SMA Negeri Y Karanganyar. SSP based on PBL is effective to improve environmental attitude.
Keywords: Environmental attitude, Subject Spesific Pedagogy, Problem Based Learning, NEP
Penulis: Karisma Ana Yasinta, Maridi, Puguh Karyanto
Kode Jurnal: jpbiologidd160297

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